IN-RGY expands to Latin America by acquiring Ayax.More info here

A modern organization within a microcosm

It all started with the advent of the smart phone. Within a relatively short timeframe, it’s adoption both as a professional and personal necessity rose to meteoric dominance, causing some to fear that the user would ultimately lose their intelligence and in turn become the “used.” A scary thought, for sure. Not long after came the reassurance that intelligence was artificial (AI)… but without really understanding what this implied for the user or for its humanity.

Disruption has a name and it’s called: CHANGE

Change is defined by momentum that continuously modifies, shifts and drives towards a new or altered state. This new state is nothing more than a modified experience altered by new tools, methods, projects or needs. Long-standing needs and/or requirements can now be satisfied with new tools that up until recently, did not exist. When faced with the wind of change, you have two unique options: You can build a wall to guard against change, or you can build a windmill to positively use it.

Human resources are at the center of change

As a collective society, we have understood the impact of change, embracing new technology, sustained growth and continuous improvement. “Smart” cities and municipalities compete with one another in an attempt to lure and attract new citizens.

These connected spaces must attain the following five objectives:

  1. accessibility,
  2. connectivity,
  3. coordination,
  4. relevance, and
  5. the pursuit of a common goal.

Similar to the five key objectives of a smart city, organizations must also provide its employees with an exceptional quality of life while at work. As a result, new corporate governance must be supported by powerful tools that adapt to change, but that always prioritize its human resources. Despite a tool’s effectiveness, organizational change cannot be made without buy-in from its most important and valuable component: it’s the human component, of course.

The city and the organization are mirrored reflections; one needs the other to succeed. Cities need to be appealing to newcomers to increase their tax revenue. Companies that want to grow must put in place measures to address labor shortages and attract top talent. The key ingredient? People. By investing in people, they in turn will generate income and wealth, making it a wise and profitable investment.

You must adapt because it’s inevitable!

The results are clear. An investment in people translates into a multitude of sustained benefits. Not investing in people is not only risky, but expensive. Both society and corporations are living, breathing entities that are scalable and in constant evolution requiring constant adaption.


We now turn it over to you!

What specific challenges have you faced in attracting new recruits?

How have you dealt with the labor shortage?

How has your organization adapted to change, and what has been the impact on your financial, operational or human landscape?


Luc Lachapelle

Director of HR Strategic Consulting

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