IN-RGY expands to Latin America by acquiring Ayax.More info here

Business Rule Engine:
Complex Validations Managed Intuitively

How can you set up business rules without a programmer? Typically, business analysts are required to work with a programmer to write several hundred lines of code to set up those rules, which increases the margin of error and delivery time.

This is where BRE comes in: business analysts are given great flexibility to create rules, from the easiest to the most complex, with an intuitive user interface.

Create Business Validation Rules That Matter

Every industry and business needs are unique. However existing solutions are inflexible and don’t support their strategic plans. BRE provides large organizations with the agility to adapt to their complex needs.

Optimize your workforce

Rule management is done by an easy to master decision tree, providing maximum flexibility and requiring zero training in programming.

Manage complex business rules

Create rules with validity dates so process changes are applied on specific dates, such as for agreement renewals. Analyze a past rule execution to understand the results in a moment in time.

Automate management

Create and manage business logic to reduce manual tasks, increase agility and speed to meet changing needs when planning your workforce.

Empower your team to make smart business decisions.

We offer an intuitive model that helps create, manage and automate your complex business rules to drive excellence.

We Make HR Solutions Powerfully Simple

Contact our team to discuss which HR system needs to be optimized with an add-on. We'll find the right fit in no time.